“Zersplitterte Nacht (Shattered Night)” (Austria/Innsbruck) Film
A reconstruction and dramatization of events surrounding the Kristallnacht (“Crystal Night,” or night of pogrom) in Innsbruck that took place in November 1938. The documentary drama recounts the events that led to the terrible spiral of violence, using eye-witness interviews, archive materials and reenactments of scenes involving the victims and perpetrators. The drama focuses on the fate of Richard Berger (played by Michael Walde-Berger) and his family.
With Christine Mayn (as Ms. Berger), Nick Wilder (as the SS Officer) and others.

Michael Walde-Berger in der Hauptrolle als Ing. Richard Berger

Michael Walde-Berger
in der Maske

Michael Walde-Berger mit Nick Wilder
als SS-Mann Erwin Hoffmann

Michael Walde-Berger mit Christine Mayn
als dessen Ehefrau Grete Berger