Universum History “Gmünd, Leben an der Grenze”


„Gmünd , A Town on the Border“,Drama-Docu, ORF, 2016

(Lead: Developer Fürnsinn, Dir. : Anita Lackenberger Prod. West. ORF, AUT)

„Gmünd , A Town on the Border“ intends to tell its own history from the 1st WW all the way to the Present through the voices and deeds of Developer Hans Fürnsinn and his family. It will guide you through the ups and downs of history. The renowned developer built a huge refugee camp in the 1st WW that endured the Nazi Time and ended up in the Check-slovakian communist State after the second 2nd WW. Now it is a residential area.

It was not the most demanding part to perform but I am excited to be part of this versatile form of story- telling.